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Housing & community development

Housing is a human right.

housing community_crp

Housing is a human right

Everyone deserves to have access to quality, safe housing – regardless of what zip code they live in. However, towns are facing a shortage of homes, making it harder to find and afford to rent or buy a home, and making it harder to stay in the communities we love. It’s taken decades to get to this point, and solutions can’t be put off any longer. 

The Connecticut Project is empowering communities to come together to find solutions. It’s a complex problem, but a solvable one when we work together. 



What we're doing to spark change

Investing in the future

We’ve invested in the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut to help create the Center for Housing Equity and Opportunity in Eastern Connecticut (CHEO). The effort brings together people in 52 towns to create more opportunities to access affordable housing.

Supporting organizing for progress

The Connecticut Project provided a grant to the Connecticut Tenants Union to support the group’s mission of protecting renters, empowering renters with stronger rights, and bringing renters' voices to the table.

Facts about housing and community development


There isn't enough affordable housing.

It’s estimated that Connecticut needs 92,560 more affordable housing units to meet demand.


Paychecks are going toward rent.

Statewide, the average rent for a two-bedroom apartment is nearly $1,800 per month. Experts say that for housing to be considered “affordable,” it should take up no more than 30 percent of a household’s budget. To make the Connecticut average of $1,800 per month “affordable,” a household would need to earn at least $72,014 annually or have an hourly wage of $34.62 per hour.

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Dec 9, 2024 12:11:43 PM

How do we get everyone to home sweet home?


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