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Everyone should be able to live full lives, no matter how much money they have.


Quality of life should be a right, not a privilege.

Financial freedom is a door to opportunity. No one’s circumstances should stand in the way of that. However, thousands of families are struggling with rising costs of living and have a hard time making ends meet, let alone saving and investing in the future. 

The Connecticut Project collaborates with groups across the state to increase access to economic opportunities for working class and middle class people. 


We're building tools for an inclusive, thriving state.

For example, we're:

Connecting you to tax refunds you’ve earned

In 2023 and 2024, The Connecticut Project is raising awareness of the Earned Income Tax Credit, the largest financial wellness building program in the United States. While thousands of Connecticut residents are eligible to claim the money they have earned through the Earned Income Tax Credit, many don’t even know that it exists. We’re working with partners around the state to let people know they can claim their money today.

Raising awareness about student loan forgiveness

When tens of thousands of public service workers in Connecticut became eligible for student loan forgiveness in 2022, many either didn’t know about the new program or thought it wasn’t real. With our partners at the Student Loan Fund, State Employees Bargaining Coalition (SEBAC) and more, The Connecticut Project boosted awareness of the Public Student Loan Forgiveness program so that teachers, social workers, and others who work in public service roles could see relief from debt. By the end of the campaign, 7,750 public servants in Connecticut had more than $507 million of their debt canceled. 

Building opportunities through strategic investments

We’re bringing together groups from across the state to collaborate with Jobs for the Future to boost access to quality jobs. Work is underway to identify what people need to be able to better access the benefits they’ve earned.  

Our multi-year investment in the Connecticut Community Outreach Revitalization Program (ConnCORP) will create the Connecticut Wealth Solutions Accelerator – which will in find ways to connect families with financial health and freedom. 

Facts about economic opportunity in Connecticut


The cost of living is making it hard to save

Only 44% of Connecticut residents have a rainy day fund to cover their expenses for three months if they have an emergency, lose their job, or get sick. A family of four with two young children will spend an average of $2,188 a month on child care, and 40% of low-income renters are spending more than 30% of their monthly pay on rent and utilities.


The poverty level isn’t the full picture

About 10% of people in Connecticut fall below the poverty line, but 40% of Connecticut adults are struggling to make ends meet, and food and housing insecurity are on the rise.


Affordability is an issue

A single adult will spend an estimated $3,262 a month on essential needs like housing, utilities, transportation, and food. That means they need to make at least $39,141 a year to meet their “survival budget.” A family of four will spend $10,501 a month on necessities, including child care, requiring them to make at least $126,018 a year to meet their survival budget. That’s increased by 18.2% from 2021.

When someone tells you about their debt cancellation, you can hear the emotional release in that moment. You can feel
the heaviness leave and the excitement and the opportunity build ... I don’t think I’ve ever worked with a funder so closely in terms of getting things done, and The Connecticut Project had the ability to roll up their sleeves and do it. 

- Cristher Estrada-Perez, Executive Director, Student Loan Fund

As a result of our efforts

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More than 5,000 people (so far) have started their journeys to claiming an earned income tax credit.

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Our public service loan forgiveness coalition efforts led to $50 to $75 million in debt forgiveness.

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Connecticut achieved the 7th highest rate of public service debt cancellation in the country.

Explore the latest news

Mar 4, 2025 10:27:27 AM

What’s the difference between the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit?


Feb 25, 2025 3:39:11 PM

What’s the “earned income” part of the Earned Income Tax Credit?


Dec 9, 2024 12:29:47 PM

Know Your Rights: Kindergarten Entry Guide


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Cost of Living: Top of Mind Among CT Voters as We Head into Presidential Election

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Delay Connecticut's Kindergarten Eligibility Law: A Call for Equity and Support