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Early childhood education.

Every child should be able to learn and grow in a safe, supportive environment.


Building early childhood education for the future

Every child should have the chance to learn and grow in safe, supportive, nurturing environments, and early childhood education is an important piece of providing children with the best starts in life. But right now, Connecticut is in the midst of an early education crisis: there aren't enough spots for all children who need them, especially infants and toddlers.

We advance solutions to make quality child care accessible and affordable for every family.

For example, in 2021, Connecticut became the first state to create childcare business incubators -- a program that supports aspiring educators by providing free training and support with access to space at host sites to start high-quality early childhood education programs. While The Connecticut Project Action Fund successfully advocated for a state law to allow the program to expand to towns throughout the state, The Connecticut Project has invested in empowering host sites to start incubators.

Facts about early childhood education


In Connecticut, the average monthly cost of child care for a family of four with two young children is $2,188.

To afford that cost, a family would need an annual income of more than $106,000 just to survive (not thrive) every year – and 39 percent of families in Connecticut make less than that.


Connecticut is in a child care crisis.

Connecticut has a shortage of child care seats, especially for infants and toddlers. This makes it hard for families to find child care -- especially child care that meets the area, hours, and budgets they need.


At $15.34 per hour, the median wage for child care workers in Connecticut is barely over the state minimum wage.

Low wages and limited benefits make it difficult for child care workers to support themselves and their families and make it hard for programs to find and keep early educators. This can lead to long wait lists and program closures.


Early learning is about building a brighter future.

Children who have access to quality early education have lasting cognitive, social, emotional, and health benefits. And every dollar put into early childhood education means a stronger economy, stronger family stability, and a healthier financial future for the entire state.

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