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Sana Shah



Sana is the Director of Policy and Advocacy at The Connecticut Project, where she develops and executes high impact issue-based campaigns that raise urgency, leverage shared interests, build powerful coalitions, and create political opportunity for bold public policy that improves the lives of people across Connecticut.

She comes to the Connecticut Project with more than ten years of experience working in the non-profit sector, where she focused on intersectional issues affecting people who are low-income or asset-limited. Before joining The Connecticut Project, Sana was the Chief of Staff/Power Building and Advocacy Director at Connecticut Voices for Children where she led the government affairs and movement building work, with a particular focus on advocating for public policies that advance economic justice.

Why do you do “the work?”    

As a child, I sometimes spent my winter holidays in Pakistan with my grandparents. During these visits, I witnessed abject poverty juxtaposed with extreme wealth. This early exposure deeply influenced me, igniting a passion for tackling inequality through policy reform. I now understand that the policies we enact can either exacerbate or mitigate existing disparities. Through strategic movements and thoughtful policy making, we can build a state where the dignity of every individual is recognized and upheld, and the boundless potential that resides within each of us can be fully realized.

What are some specific places or things you love in Connecticut?    

Sleeping Giant is my favorite spot in Connecticut. For those of us living in Hamden, it is a piece of our collective backyard and a living narrative that continues to evolve, from the Quinnipiac legend of Hobbomock's eternal slumber to its role in literature, Sleeping Giant stands as a testament to the deep bond between nature, history, local culture, and shared stories. I also love visiting downtown Mystic, which feels like stepping into a living postcard.