
Vote YES for Absentee Voting

Make Every Voice Heard, Make Every Vote Count

This fall, Connecticut voters have the opportunity to make our voting system
more inclusive, accessible, and safe.


Make Your Voice Heard

Whether you vote early or vote on November 5, vote "YES" on the absentee voting question on your ballot.


Understanding the Absentee Voting Ballot Question

  • This question will be on your ballot in Connecticut this fall: “Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to permit the General Assembly to allow each voter to vote by absentee ballot?”
  • By voting YES to this question, you could make voting in Connecticut more accessible and inclusive for all eligible voters looking to make their voice heard.
  • Your "YES" vote would not make immediate change. Instead, it would allow our state legislature to change the Connecticut Constitution to allow any voter to use an absentee ballot without needing an excuse. This change will make voting easier and more accessible for everyone in our community, ensuring that all voices can be heard and that democracy works for all of us.

How it Works

current rules

Current Rules

Voters in Connecticut can currently request an absentee ballot only under limited circumstances.

proposed change

Proposed Change

The amendment would empower the Connecticut state legislature to enact laws permitting absentee voting for all voters who want to vote absentee. This would enable any registered voter to request, receive, and return an absentee ballot.

Why It’s Crucial to Vote “YES”

Here are 5 key reasons why you should vote “YES” this November:
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Improve Access and Broaden Participation

Your "YES" vote breaks down barriers that have kept many people from the polls. Voting in person is easy for some people in our state, but it is not accessible for everyone, especially people with chronic health conditions, elderly people, and working people, especially working parents. Absentee voting would help ensure more voters have a chance to participate in our democracy.

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Most states have absentee voting available for all voters. Across the country, millions of voters cast absentee ballots by mail to vote in the days leading up to Election Day. These votes are securely recorded and counted, just like those cast in person.

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Modernize Connecticut's Voting System

We need to bring Connecticut's voting system into the 21st century. This measure modernizes our approach, providing a more accessible and adaptable method of casting ballots that keeps pace with people’s schedules in today's fast-moving world. With absentee voting, voters would have the ability to pick which voting method works best for us.

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Catch Connecticut Up

Connecticut lags behind other states, the majority of which have absentee voting available for all voters. A "YES" vote eliminates this gap, giving Connecticut voters the same rights as millions of voters in other states, including states with conservative and liberal governments alike.

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Make Voting More Flexible for Everyone

Your "YES" vote is a vote against the long lines that can discourage voters on Election Day. It's a sensible, practical solution that reduces pressure on polling places, making election days smoother for those who vote in person and providing an alternative for those who cannot.


This fall, vote for democracy and inclusion. Vote YES for Absentee Voting!

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Paid for by Yes for Safe and Accessible Democracy. Melvin Medina, Treasurer.