Not sure if you qualify? Check your Eligibility
You can check whether you’re eligible here. Checking your eligibility doesn’t commit you to filing for your money, and we will not share your answers. Check if you’re eligible:
What it is:
The earned income tax credit is a refund from the federal government for working people. It is one of the largest programs for people and families to build their financial cushions in the United States.

How it Works

Filing won’t hurt you
Filing won’t hurt your eligibility for things like SNAP, WIC, TANF, HUSKY, Medicaid, or CHIP.

Even if you don’t file taxes
You can still claim this benefit, even if you aren’t required to file taxes or don’t normally file them.

Credit you deserve
If you’re eligible, the Earned Income Tax Credit is a benefit that belongs to you.
We believe an equitable future starts with an empowered present.
The Connecticut Project is committed to building equitable communities where every individual has the opportunity and means to shape their future.
If you share our vision for building a more inclusive, equitable Connecticut, sign up and join us.

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